Quizzes Advertisement! -Your personal shopping agent

Get connected to audience through our smart advertising solution , Evaluate your customers with a quiz.

It's simple and convenient having everything in one place.

Get connected to audience through our smart advertising solution , Evaluate your customers with a quiz.

An innovative outdoor advertising which guarantees higher brand reach with minimum wastage.We have best solutions suitable for every scale of business and industry type

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How We help

Would you like to promote your business by giving it greater visibility create a quiz .ind out how much your followers know about your brand and products, or about a particular subject, via an app for creating quizzes.Propose a fun experience which motivates them and provides them with a challenge, rewarding those who know the most. In this way you’ll obtain new followers!

What We Do

Suppose you want to promote your product in your city that will be answer by 500 people & want to spend 5 per 10 question answering you spend 2500 . People will read about you and remember your details to give answer.

*Note : We charge only 25 % of sharing amount.