Institutional Website

Every PARRENT wants to provide their CHILD the best quality education.

It is difficult for them to find a decent school that also fulfills their requirements. Particularly in neighborhoods where new schools are opening day after day.

Therefore, it is essential that more people are aware of your institution as a source of accurate information. There is only one way left for this, that is the website.

Since digital media is evolving so quickly, no one can deny that any business can flourish with the aid of an online platform. A simple and effective way to contact parents in this era of advertising is through websites.

Many people think why to make a website, it costs money, let’s save money and they take support of print media. What do they do, invest more money in useless things, get hoardings installed which will get spoiled in a few days. Leaflets are distributed - money is also spent and people read it and throw it away

Five to ten years ago, people used to remember someone’s address by signs, but today, thanks to Google Map on mobile, we could simply enter the address and get there without having to ask anyone and Google Baba made us reach comfortably. So what do you think, to know about your school, people will ask around or keep searching for your hoardings and leaflets. No, they will use Google Baba to help them out.

The phone was optional earlier; some people have one, while others don’t. Today’s phones play a significant role in our daily lives, and as digitisation progresses, our dependence on mobile is increasing. The website currently appears optional to the people, but it will become increasingly crucial to every individual and company in the future.

If have to search anything, people first go to Google, they will search about your school and school on Google. Some parents after knowing everything about you, if your admission process is online then why would they prefer online only? Why ? because they will avoid waiting in long queues and save time. You can connect with students from all around the world as well as local students in your area through the website. With the website, you may establish your identity globally. Additionally, people will value you more than your competitors.

You are sleeping but the website is working for you.

Even while you’re on the trip, the website is still functional for you.

Static Website 500 Per/ Day

  • The best feature of a static website is that it has pages with predetermined content. A static website is one that has pictures and text that are fixed and rarely change.
  • Static website can assist in loading the page faster
  • It is valuable for small organizations with 4 to 5 pages
  • Static website can exhibit your online presence easily
  • This QR code can be used for local advertising on your business cards, flyers, posters, and social media groups. After scanning, it will take users to your website.
  • You will need to purchase the domain. Renewal charges are also applicable.
  • You will need to purchase.
  • Leads On Your Whatsapp or Email

Dynamic 750 Per/ Page

  • It is dependent upon your needs. We will design as many pages as you need for.
  • The dashboard is provided by us with a login ID and password. You can change your details any time after login. It's all connected to the database.
  • Change to its accessible devices' screen and window sizes.
  • improving (optimising) the visibility of a website/webpage on Search Engines
  • This QR code can be used for local advertising on your business cards, flyers, posters, and social media groups. After scanning, it will take users to your website.
  • You will need to purchase the domain. Renewal charges are also applicable.
  • You will need to purchase.
  • Leads On Your Whatsapp or Email